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My Struggle With Chronic Psoriasis (And The Plan For Healing)

I have psoriasis. Or, is it eczema? Or, is it overgrown yeast? For the longest time since pregnancy, I started having red patches of rashes on my leg. I don’t remember which side of the legs started first, but the rash has migrated from right to left leg over the years and even once affected my left upper foot, which has migrated to my lower left leg as have most recently.

It is so hard to diagnose whether it is food related, stress related or chemical related. I don’t know how it is triggered. But I know whenever I start thinking, I would sit down and unconsciously began to scratch my leg where the rash is. The rash feels itchy. It is dry. I scratch uncontrollably until my brain takes over and tell me to stop.

I have very fair pale skin, the rash appear as a red patch, it makes my legs look mismatch. It makes me want to hide my legs when I am photographed.

I don’t know 100% if it is psoriasis, but my inkling says it could be. The only thing I noticed is applying betametasone cream has somewhat effect on managing it. The cream has not completely cure my symptom even though it may look as if it starts to heal initially.

I have had it for years and I really want to cure it. This is what I am going to try this time once again:

  • Apply Betametasone crema as needed to keep my psoriasis under control
  • Use CeraVe SA lotion to keep my skin stay moisturized
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Take multivitamin that include Vitamin D3 daily

For now, I’ll follow this routine with the goal to heal my skin by end of the year. One thing that I will look into considering in the near future is installing water softener. Hope that it will help to heal my daughter’s eczema as well.

If anyone has experience in healing really stubborn psoriasis or eczema, please let us know what helped you and your recommendation.