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10+ Job Search Tips To Getting Hired During A Pandemic

These job search tips pertain to seasoned professionals as well as recent graduates. I have gone through job search, applications and interviews multiple times in my 15+ years of professional life including a layoff.

As a hiring manager for startup companies and big corporations, I hope to share what I have learned throughout my career to help you get hired and land your next job especially in this challenging time.

1. Have the right mindset

Mindset is your greatest asset

Having the right mindset is absolutely crucial in the whole job search process. If you started out thinking no company is currently hiring during coronavirus, then you probably will not feel like applying and that just closes out any potential opportunities and possibilities. On the other hand, know that there are companies that are still hiring and you keep on with your effort to job hunt, it will eventually pay off in one way or another even landing your dream job.

Patience & Persistence: keys to successful job search

Job search is a long and exhausting process that needs a lot of patience and persistence. Don’t let any negative thoughts discourage you to the extend that you give up any hope. Being motivated is important and while the process might be slow, trust that taking small steps will lead you to your goal.

Be open to change

As someone who was laid off before in my first job after 4 years with the company, I have to say that it turned out to be one of the best things that happened to my career. It led me to my second job with a startup company where I made many lasting friendships and met my mentor. It’s cliche but true is the saying,

2. Know what you want

Cope with a layoff

If you have recently been laid off, it’s normal to feel disappointed and may even feel a sense of betrayal. Before diving into job searching though, take the time to cope with the feeling of disappointment and acceptance and recovery first. While going through the different stages of grief for the job loss, ask important questions about what you want to do, what you are good at as a way to discover yourself. The clearer you know what you want the better you will be at achieving your goals.

Increase clarity to achieve your goals

With the said, not everyone knows what they want and what their purpose are in life; some discover themselves over time and some never will. Also people and their wishes change over time through experiences, circumstances, age, etc. You don’t have to know 100%, you just need to understand to the extend what to prioritize for the foreseeable future. It will help align your job search criteria to your desires, values and priorities to find your new ideal job.

3. Build a strong profile and elevator pitch

By understanding yourself a bit better, you can be more effective in building your professional profile. It’s the fundamental of which everything you do is built upon.

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